
Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Great LEGO Wars and other domestic battles

In my house there is a great war raging. One that inevitably begins each morning with much shouting on my part and much negotiating on the part of B2 with the occasional intervention of B1. One that invariably ends each night with the questions "Amma, what have you done with my...[insert appropriate LEGO creation]? I left it right here this morning. Where have you tidied it up to?".

I'll admit that I do have periodic pangs of guilt that I'm stifling my children's creative instincts, however that quickly diminishes as yet another minute piece of LEGO becomes embedded in my foot while merely walking down the hallway. I've learned now to spot tiny grey LEGO pieces against the grey carpet while vacuum cleaning (to the amazement of both the children, who don't see them even when they're pointed out). My leaping and dodging skills have improved beyond measure and I defy anyone to say they have tougher soles on their feet than I. I'll concede that the Great LEGO Wars have improved my athleticism and visual acuity. What I won't concede, is that it is absolutely necessary to spread the plethora of LEGO items (built and unbuilt) to every room in the house.

A détente seems a long way off right now.
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