
Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Laid Plans...

Disaster! Our carefully and artfully planned Halloween party has had to be abandoned. A clash of events for that weekend means that the Halloween party is on hold for a year. There are disappointed children and an even more disappointed me.

Ah well, here are some pics of our efforts anyway...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Fever

It's the beginning of Australia, a place where Halloween is not traditionally celebrated... and yet, in my family, we find ourselves in the grip of Halloween Fever. I'll admit that the house is not yet decorated and no invitations have yet been sent for the grand shindig for the 31st, but regardless, we're sweating the small stuff.

Today was consumed with the making of giant spiders and flies and their miniature counterparts, the construction of Frankenstein's Monster candle holders, the concoction of various witches' potions (including detailed labels) and the shrinking of apple heads.

Okay, I'm owning up to being the instigator of all this crafty silliness and just quietly, I'm rather pleased with the way it's all turning out (photos to come soon). It's also been a really lovely way to spend the second week of the school holidays and a terrific way to reignite the artistic spark in B1 and B2. Very satisfying indeed.

All was going well...rather too well as it turned out. All of that fabulous creativity was brought to a sudden and grinding halt by the rabbit needing to be rushed off to the vet. That was ok too. The rabbit didn't seem to mind the outing, I got to gather a plethora of animals around me (I swear I was channelling St Francis of Assisi) and B1 and B2 had a break from arty-fartyness.

The only one who seemed put out by it all was the dog, who didn't get to come to his favourite place. I'm not being sarcastic here. He loves going to the vet. Genuinely loves it. And why not? He's fawned over by the receptionists and Vet nurses and treated like a king by the Vet. I'd enjoy going to the doctor too if I was treated that well... and given a snack just for turning up!
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LEGO Wars II - Revenge of the LEGO

I thought the war had been won and the LEGO was being regularly returned to the many boxes under the bed.

I thought my secret strikes on errant LEGO with the vacuum cleaner had sent a clear message to the opposition forces.

I thought my shock and awe tactics on the LEGO strongholds had decisively dealt with the problem.

Today I found undercover LEGO agents hidden in the bed sheets ... inside my washing machine... they were making -CLUNK CLUNK- noises and driving my washing machine to a grinding halt.

The battle continues...
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